In Alex's route, he can sneak a peek at his butt while playing racquetball, while in Brad's story route, Mark can choose to stumble across a nude pic of Brad while he's in the bathroom in a few examples. Covert Pervert: Can be played as one, with or without repercussions.Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Don't let him talk to his pet fish too much, or creep out one of your potential dates.Caught with Your Pants Down: It's possible for Mark's parents to repeatedly call until Mark answers while he is.That friend's name was also named 'Sparky.' Affectionate Nickname: Jed will call him 'Sparky.' Mark reminded Jed of an old, good friend of his during Sunday school days when he was a kid.Based on your choices, he can continue that trend in college. Academic Athlete: He got good grades AND was good at water polo in high school.Mark is also academically smart as he has an option to tutor English to non-native speakers on weekends. He stopped playing water polo due to a shoulder injury. Mark was in the water polo team previously and his swimming abilities earned him the nickname 'Spanish Armada'.